Australian dads network

We Have the Power to Impact The Future,
and We’re Doing Something About It

Get to Know Us
For the Dads who want more out of life.
The ADN creates opportunities to connect with mates.
We provide a safe place of support for your specific journey.
We celebrate connection and as a result have 80% engagement in our online community
We will support & guide you in creating the best version of you, so you can leave a legacy you are proud of.

Our Dads Only community on Facebook has just surged past 2800 members!
Our online community for Dads, consistently has an engagement of 80% or higher.
committee members
We have a very dedicated and passionate committee driving the organisational elements to support our members.
Currently in our 6th year of operation as a community for Dads.
YEARS as charity
We were granted charity status in 2021 and really enjoying the opportunities to service the community more as a result.
Growth this month
The online community membership base increases by about 50+ members each month.
Meet the committee
The Australian Dads Network is proud to have a group of men who are supporting our Charity. So many volunteer hours have been put in, and the depth of knowledge, experience and skills in this committee is inspiring!

Liam sorrell

Mike Duff
Deputy Chairperson

Nick Cowhan

Raj Close

Sean conroy
general member

Andy Weybury
general member

Chris Pickett
general member

general member

Connecting with like-minded men can be difficult. Especially if you’re living regionally, work FIFO, moving frequently or just don’t have a group of mates you can really talk with.
The Australian Dads Networks vision is to provide Dads with a platform to connect with other Dads and discuss all things.
With honesty and no judgement we can ask questions and get answers that will assist us in improving daily - in all areas of our lives.
We have provided a space for men to discuss the hard-hitting and confronting topics that arise in our lives, topics that you have not or may not want to discuss with the current friend and family circle.

I started today feeling so low, and like I was hopeless to some degree. You guys really opened up my eyes and my mind to what it feels like to have some support.
ADN Member
We exist only by the strength of camaraderie and mateship. With mates by our side we are stronger. The network we have enables us to reach out and lean in when we are struggling.
ADN Member
Being a Dad is like playing a well-designed video game: it’s always hard enough to challenge you but not so hard that you can’t do it. Whatever you have on at the moment, you can work through it.